
Review of dotMod dotTank 25mm

A few years ago vapers were a bit suspicious of vaporizer tanks, considering them not the best option, not allowing to get a normal flavor and vapor. That’s why everyone used serviced tanks, wound the coils themselves and spent a lot of time on how to lay the absorbent cotton correctly. Although the main reason for the popularity of serviceable tanks was completely different, they are just much cheaper than vaporizer versions, especially since a few years ago vaporizers could not be bought by everyone. Now vaporizers have become affordable (they are often cheaper than good coils and cotton), and manufacturers are mass producing new atomizers. The dotMod company also decided to please vapers with its untreated atomizers, and the dotMod dotTank 25mm has seen the light of day.

General data

dotMod dotTank 25mm is a medium-sized tank designed to fit dotCoil branded vaporizers, with bottom-adjustable airflow and intended for free hookah puffing. The tank is made in the currently popular sub-tank format, so it has characteristic design features of a plastic tank with a built-in drip tip and a metal base with a ring of blowing adjustment. vape devices in new zealand Visually it is made in the best traditions of atomizers from this manufacturer laconically, beautifully, expensively. The tank is designed to install interchangeable vaporizers dotCoil resistance of 0,15/0,3/0,7 ohm on the grid. Buy dotMod dotTank 25mm can be in the traditional colors for this manufacturer black, red, silver and blue.


Given the fact that this atomizer belongs to the category of sub-tanks, the manufacturer did not particularly become engaged in order to complete it in any special way. Therefore, the vaper will be able to find in the box:

Atomizer dotTank 25mm;

dotCoil 0.15 ohm vaporizer;

User’s Manual.

Appearance and design

The dotMod devices, regardless of whether it’s a tank, a drip or a sub-mod, always attract the attention of vapers. And not only its price (to be honest, it is fully justified, as the vaper gets a really high quality of assembly and materials). This manufacturer releases new devices not as often as many competitors, but each device is interesting and unique in its own way. The new dotMod dotTank 25mm is kind of not revolutionary, but at the same time so clearly and correctly executed that there are almost no claims to it.

When it comes to the design of the dotMod dotTank 25mm, it’s a fairly traditional sub-tank, executed very neatly and stylishly. It’s enough just to look at the appearance of the tank, then it immediately becomes clear that it was developed by dotMod, as in it all the lines are recognizable and highly accurate. Separate attention should be paid to the quality of execution of all elements of the tank. The seating diameter of the tank is 25 mm (logical, right?).

dotMod dotTank 25mm belongs to the sub-tanks, so its design is quite simple steel base with a ring of blowing adjustment and a tank made in the form of a plastic flask. The volume of the tank can not be called minimal it is 5 ml, so it can confidently compete with similar atomizers designed for maintenance. The drip-type is one piece with the body of the flask, but in fact it is an analog of the traditional 810th drip-type in terms of external and internal diameter.

Vaporizers, blowing and features of use

It should be said right away that the dotMod dotTank 25mm uses vaporizers that were already presented by the company earlier, when releasing the dotAIO V2. It is important to know that other vaporizers from the same manufacturer do not fit, so it is not necessary to try inserting them with a little effort. The dotCoil vaporizers are made on SS316L stainless steel mesh and are available in three resistance options of 0.15/0.3/0.7 ohms, so the vaper will be able to find the option that suits him best without much difficulty.

The procedure for adjusting the puff is as simple as possible in the base of the tank there is an adjustment ring with a convenient fine notch, turning which you can get the necessary amount of air through a fairly large air intake holes. Interestingly enough, this sub-tank is clearly not designed for MTL puffing, so you should keep that in mind when buying it.

It makes sense that the dotMod dotTank 25mm will have the same refill as most analogs from other manufacturers. In order to pour 5 ml of liquid, you need to remove the flask from the base, turn it over and open the silicone plug at the bottom.

Conclusions and impressions

Naturally, the dotMod dotTank 25mm is far from being the atomizer that will revolutionize the world of vaping, but nobody demands that from it. Apparently, this sub-tank/tank is meant to come bundled with the new devices that dotMod is sure to present.

Advantages and disadvantages


Non-removable drip tip;

Not the most convenient refill.


Stylish design;

High build quality;

Use of branded colors;

Universal seating diameter;

Use of new format vaporizers on the grid;

Quite a large volume.