
Review of Nanosmoke Cube hookah

Just a couple of decades ago, hookah was a gimmick and could only be found in the homes of Central Asians or those who lived/worked/served there. Not to mention hookah houses, where you could sit and enjoy aromatic tobacco or some exotic flavor. But in recent years, more and more of our fellow citizens decide to buy a hookah for personal use, and then faced with another problem of choice. It is worth saying that among a wide range of hookahs presented in our market, the Nanosmoke Cube hookah, which is made in a very non-traditional style, has become very popular. One of the key features of this hookah is an unusual and minimalistic style, which can please both lovers of high-tech and fans of flavored hookah. Instead of the traditional flask, which takes up a lot of space, Nanosmoke Cube uses a rectangular tank that stands stably on the table. At the same time, the hookah has all the classic elements: a bowl (it also serves as a shaft), a hose and a caladium.

General information

Hookah Nanosmoke Cube” is a small hookah of the new generation, which uses not a traditional flask, but a rectangular tank, which makes it compact and easy to use. The use of the tank from the high-strength plexiglass allowed a few changes in the appearance of hookah, making it compact, mobile and stable. Despite this somewhat unconventional appearance, the hookah uses the traditional silicone bowl and kalaud, which allows you to replace the foil. An important feature of the hookah design is that its reservoir can be filled not only with water, but also add fruit or ice, making the taste of tobacco brighter and richer.

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Appearance and design

When you look at the hookah Nanosmoke Cube, you can think of any association, but not that it is a hookah. Familiar to many hookah is a vertical flask with a large shaft, but Nanosmoke Cube” somewhat changes the idea of such a classic Eastern device.

At the base of the hookah is a rectangular reservoir, made of high-strength plexiglass, which is divided into two parts for the water/milk/wine to pour into one of them, and to connect the hose to the second.

Such a design is interesting because you can put fruit in the tank to create a beautiful shisha cocktail and add flavor to the tobacco mix. If desired, you can put in ice, mint or aromatic herbs, making the taste light and fresh.

An important feature of this design is that Nanosmoke Cube is very stable, and this is important (those who have had a classic hookah fall from the table will understand), because it is almost impossible to turn it upside down. So the fire safety of hookah is at the highest level. It is additionally worth noting the compact size of the hookah it is easy to pack and take with you on nature or just to visit.

Chilim, kalaud and peculiarities of use

It should be said at once that, despite the original and somewhat non-standard, as for hookah appearance, Nanosmoke Cube is a real hookah, which can surprise even the most demanding fans of flavored tobacco. Important point that should not be overlooked is the fact that this hookah is made in St. Petersburg since 2012, and during this time it has been repeatedly improved and finalized to the taste and usability could please smokers.

Initially, Nanosmoke Cube is equipped with a silicone bowl or chilim, which is installed directly on the tank. At the same time the bowl has a pretty decent volume, so you can use not the minimum amount of tobacco. Chilim fits tightly to the body, providing maximum tightness, good traction and ease of smoking. If desired, the silicone bowl can be replaced by a ceramic bowl, which can be used to obtain an even richer flavor and thicker smoke, but it should be hammered by a person with serious skills in hookah smoking. During use, the bowl does not flood due to the use of a membrane valve.

Instead of foil, the Nanosmoke Cube uses a calaude to simplify the cooking process. The use of metal kalaud allows even the most inexperienced user to prepare the hookah for smoking by him. It is worth noting the blowing system (if there is a bitterness, it is necessary to blow the bong) it is efficient, convenient and easy to use. The complete hose is made of medical silicone, so it is highly durable and does not absorb odors.