
Evolution by Shadows

In the view of many hookah lovers, its design is a fairly simple metal elements, the combination of which allows you to get a great taste of flavored tobacco. But modern technology does not stand still and in the development of hookahs you can increasingly find models that use new materials and technologies, thanks to which you can get not only productive but also practical device. Many hookah connoisseurs who monitor this segment of the market are well aware of the Shadows company, which produces devices of different classes, from budget models to high-end design solutions. Not so long ago this manufacturer has presented the new hookah Evolution, which will be a real boon for those who are looking for a stylish and functional device. An important feature of this model is that it is made of stainless steel with practical inserts of carbon fiber, which, although cause a double impression, but it allows you to get a nice touch.

General Data

Hookah Evolution by Shadows” is a new medium-sized hookah, which was made using stainless steel and carbon, and a unique magnetic attachment for the hose port is patented by the manufacturer. Hookah is made in a classic style, but it uses the modern style and no less modern technology and materials. Hookah is medium size and completely disassembled, making it very easy to clean and transport if necessary. The use of the original blowing system with metal balls and the possibility to choose the draft makes the operation as simple and practical as possible.

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Before you buy such a device, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is not equipped as standard with a flask, bowl and calaude, but you can find it in the original packaging:





Appearance and design

Many hookah lovers imagine it as a traditional metal design, looking like a classic oriental design, but Evolution by Shadows” immediately makes a small adjustment in such a view. Of course, just look at this hookah and there is no doubt that it is a hookah (just remember hookahs, which look more like glass cubes), but it looks very modern. This appearance is achieved by using in the manufacture of stainless steel AISI 304 and inserts made of carbon.

Hookah Evolution by Shadows, or more precisely, its shaft is made of stainless steel, which is placed additionally in a tube of carbon, which makes it not only looks original, but also becomes very practical, because during the assembly or carrying it does not slip. An interesting solution is the presence of stainless steel spring on the shaft, which gives the bong some brutality and style.

Design features, saucer and diffuser

We must pay tribute to the developers of Evolution by Shadows hookah, who took into account the smokers’ wishes regarding the design of the shaft and made it possible to disassemble it for maintenance and cleaning. The top part of the shaft to install the saucer is made without threads, but this should not scare the smoker, because the connector, where the saucer is installed, is dismountable and with a lapping, so it fits firmly into the shaft and will not pop out accidentally.

The design of the Evolution by Shadows connector is very convenient, because it not only holds the bowl, saucer and caladium securely, but it can also always be confidently disassembled and washed. If we talk about the bowl, it is quite large in diameter, has a slightly concave shape and diametric notches, thanks to which accidentally fallen ash will not fall on the smoker.

The dip part will also pleasantly surprise you with its design, it is equipped with a diffuser, with which you can adjust how tight the draw will be (classic relatively tight or more loose). The base of the immersion part is made of polyacetal, which has been used by the company for many times in its devices and has proved itself positively.

Blowing system Evolution by Shadows today is quite standard is four valves with balls (it is desirable not to lose them). The dip part of the shaft is screwed in, so you can not be afraid that it will accidentally fall out if the hookah is accidentally hooked during use.

Separate attention deserves the port for the hose its design is patented (Patent” № 179 659) and it is equipped with a magnet. This technical solution allows you to quickly remove the hose with the appropriate ferromagnetic connector and quietly move the hookah. The presence of the diffuser makes the operation of the hookah quiet and pleasant.

Conclusions and impressions

Hookah Evolution by Shadows” is a very worthy product of hookah building, which will please many smokers not only with its design features, but also with its taste characteristics. If the lover of flavorful hookah tobacco wants to get a convenient and practical device, he should buy hookah Evolution by Shadows, which will give a lot of pleasant moments while smoking.