
Review of Pod device MGO D06. Two tastes under one roof

So, today there will be a final article about products of the MGO brand, and it will consider the most “long-lasting” device in the line – the MGO D06 model.

I express my gratitude to the representative office of Sunmon in Russia

for provided devices for testing

By analogy with the MGO D14 and MGO D04 models, we have a cardboard box adapted for the CIS market in bright colors. In this case, in addition to the color design, on the front there are drawings of the “evil” components that we will encounter in the flavors (and, by the way, there are two of them in each), as well as the standard “if you get used to nicotine, you will suffer.” vape tauranga On the right side of the package the equipment is indicated, on the left – the main features of the device (all this is discussed below and in more detail). On the back are specifications, instructions for use, precautions, manufacturer contacts and a QR code.

Contents of the box with disposable MGO D06 3000

Inside the box with MGO D016 there are two bags with cartridges, one bag with the device itself and a USB Type-C cable.

Bag with cartridge for disposable MGO D06 3000

Let’s start with the smaller bags. Each of them contains a disposable 5.0 ml cartridge, as indicated on the packaging.

Cartridge for MGO D06 3000 Cartridge for MGO D06 3000 on top Seal on cartridge for MGO D06 3000 on bottom Cartridge for MGO D06 3000 on bottom

The cartridge is made of plastic and has a sticker indicating the taste and that very “evil” component on the front of the box. There is a small silicone plug at the top of the cartridge that must be removed before use. Below is a shiny sticker, like in the D04 model, peeling it off you can see two magnetic contacts and two air intake holes. In fact, nothing complicated.

Now let’s move on to a larger bag. The “carcass” itself is hidden in it. It is a small “pipe mod” with a hole in the top and a soft-touch coating. We look inside – the contact group for the cartridge is hidden there. At the bottom there are holes for air intake, as well as an LED strip along the contour (it is also an indicator for both puffing and charging) and a port for recharging the device. At its core, the device is long-lasting. Just insert new cartridges into it.

Packaging of MGO D06 3000 cartridges on the front Packaging of MGO D06 3000 cartridges on the back

Separately, it is worth mentioning the opportunity to buy liquid cartridges separately. In this case, we are waiting for a small box in the style we have already seen, and in it are two bags that contain those same replacement parts. And it turns out that once you buy the entire set, in the future you will only be able to purchase individual flavors. It’s definitely convenient.

Characteristics of MGO D06

And some dry numbers to end the presentation:

Dimensions: ∅18*95 mm

Built-in battery capacity: 380 mAh

Liquid volume (in 1 cartridge): 5.0 ml

Nicotine content in liquid: 1.9% (or 19 mg/ml)

Internal evaporator resistance: 1.2 ohm (mesh evaporator)

Number of puffs (approximately): 1500 (from 1 cartridge)

Inside each device there is a battery containing a reactive alkali metal – lithium. Such batteries should not be thrown away with household waste, but should be taken for recycling or special disposal.

MGO D06 – Mojito / Tobacco

Disposable MGO D06 3000 Mojito and Tobacco

The mojito definitely pleased me. Fresh lime, a generous amount of peppermint, a pleasant and piercing chill in the taste – that’s all that each of us can experience while vaping this mix. As for tobacco, this taste turned out to be extremely dry, tart and slightly bitter. In a word, as is customary according to the canons of this kind of recipes.

MGO D06 – Matcha Latte / Honey Pie

I’ve never tried a latte matcha in my life, so I have nothing to compare it to. But if you describe it in words, it is very tart green tea with sugar and milk. Moreover, the taste turned out to be very sweet, literally cloying. With honey pie, everything is much simpler: a classic dessert taste, a lasting feeling of a fresh biscuit and a light hint of honey. This turned out very tasty.

MGO D06 – Lemon-grape-pomelo / Mango-peach-watermelon

The first mix is extremely good! Excellent and juicy blue grapes play the leading role, and the “backing vocals” are represented by sunny pomelo pulp and sourness from lemon zest. Together – literally a masterpiece! The second trio is no worse: there is a struggle for supremacy between watermelon and mango – both components show only their strongest and most delicious sides. Peach as such is not noticed, but there is a feeling that he is here in the role of restraining the endless stream of taste of his teammates.

MGO D06 – Pineapple-melon / Green apple

The deep and detailed taste of pineapple is the first thing that comes to mind when trying the first cartridge. The fruit is quite natural and ripe, like melon in principle, but the latter is noticeably lacking for complete satisfaction. As for the “neighbor in the box,” namely the green apple, it fully meets expectations: the taste is bright, with a pleasant sourness, with an echo of the peel and seeds inside. The detail is excellent, as is the transmission of the original through liquid.

MGO D06 – Strawberry-banana / Mango-guava

First pair. One thing is clear and understandable here – there are not enough strawberries. There are negligible berries, there is only a distant aftertaste. Banana – rated “excellent”, ripe, sweet, with an inherent softness in taste. In the second pair – mango-guava – it is difficult to identify the leader, because both tropics are very rich and literally splash with juice filled with sunshine. But there is a small drawback, which is the sweetness: there is a lot of it, and therefore it would be a little unfair to call the mix natural.


Although the packaging states that this is a “disposable, removable Pod”, you must agree that this is not entirely true. In fact, having a conditional battery pack in hand, you can simply buy boxes with cartridges of individual flavors. How many charge/discharge cycles the built-in one will withstand is an open question, but it’s worth a try. In any case, the D06 model from MGO is an interesting thing, and most importantly, tasty.